Erbynn diwedh Kala’Me, ny vydh steren vyth gesys yn Porth Hwannek!

Ny Vydh Steren Vyth yw gwari gwydhyow byghan a-dro dhe jatelydhieth, trevesigoleth, appys rentyans golyow, anedhans affordyadow ha gweythresieth werinek.


Distruowgh  an skor ster rag pub chi golyow .

Game BoyBysowek
Gwaya gwarierD-padAlwedhennow seth
Kesoberi gans traAZ
Kuntel traAZ
Spedya keskowsAZ
Droppya traBX
Kwitya gwariStart Enter 


Chris Maltby / GB Studio - Jynn Gwari

Beatscribe - Ilow ha effeythyow son

Joel J Games - Font (GBS Sans)

Dyski Kernowek (Discord)

Mar ny yllowgh hwi konvedhes kernewek,  hwi a yll kavos kedhlow  yn sowsnek  a-woles :

There Will Be No Stars is a small video game, mostly in Cornish*, about capitalism, colonialism, holiday rental apps, affordable housing and grassroots activism.

Instructions :

Destroy each holiday house’s star rating

Game BoyKeyboard
Move playerD-padArrow keys
Interact with itemAZ
Collect itemAZ
Progress dialogueAZ
Drop itemBX
Quit gameStartEnter


Chris Maltby / GB Studio - Game engine

Beatscribe - Music and sound effects

Joel J Games - GBS Sans Font

Dyski Kernowek (Discord)

*Knowledge of Cornish not required to play the game. You’ll get the gist of things. 

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withGB Studio, Aseprite
Tagscornish, Game Boy, Game Boy ROM, gb-studio, gwari, gwari-gwydhyow, kernewek, kernow, kernowek, Top Down Adventure
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, Cornish
InputsKeyboard, Smartphone


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I never did find the krakens, even so I wanted to say, Congratualations on finishing 7th in the fxxk capitalism game jam!


Meur RaS ! I Enjoyed the Challenge and congrats on your Entry too.

Hey, that kraken looks familiar ! is that isla? I always told her she could make it as a model.
I know I'm not quite the looker she is, but if you ever need a fairly average, but classy looking kraken reach out to my agent, I'm more than happy to help!